more than an apple …

Pure Nature: In the breeding process was resorted natural red-fleshed apples.

No Genetic Manipulation: In the development there was no engineering process, but only the conventional cross-breeding "play bee".

A Milestone in Apple Breeding after 20 Years of Research!

In Austria Obstbau Zinner – together with Obstbau Mauthner – is the exclusive producer and marketer of these remarkable new breed!

REDLOVE® is red-fleshed, scab resistent and has due to numerous anthocyanins and tannins a very special flavor that distinguishes it from the known apple varieties.

From autumn 2015 exclusively at Obstbau Zinner

The first new Apple since Eva will be offered also as a dessert apple!

In Austria exclusively at …

For questions of detail please contact us by phone, via e-mail or contact form!